Oatmeal is a popular breakfast in our household, especially when my husband is training. Not only does it have a multitude of health benefits, but is inexpensive and quick to prepare. It is also very filling and keeps me from snacking before lunchtime. My favorite additions are a sliced banana and a little drizzle of golden syrup.
Once the weather starts to get a little warmer I find regular oatmeal a little heavy for breakfast so I start thinking about Bircher Müesli. It is based on uncooked rolled oats, fruit, and nuts and was developed by Maximilian Bircher-Benner, a Swiss physician around 1900 to help improve the health of his patients. I have heard a few different pronunciations of "Bircher" - BIR-ker-, BIR-chur, and BEER-chur, but I don't know anyone who is Swiss to confirm which one is correct.
The first time I ever tasted this müesli was at Bill Granger's restaurant, Bill's in Surry Hills (Australia) and I immediately fell in love with everything about it. Actually it isn't hard to love everything on his menu, but this just seemed so rich and creamy, but healthy at the same time. At the restaurant the ingredients change with the season, and right now it is served with apples, dates, and almonds.

The recipe below made about six servings. It really depends on the ratio of the oat mixture you serve to the fruit you use on top. It also lasts longer if you don't keep grabbing a spoon during the day for just another little taste. I kept mine covered in the refrigerator for three days.
Bircher Müesli
(Printer Friendly Recipe)
- 2 cups rolled oats
- ¾ cup pear juice
- ¾ cup apple juice
- 1½ Granny Smith apples, peeled and grated
- ½ cup plain Greek yogurt
- ½ Granny Smith Apple, skin on and julienned
- ½ cup blueberries
- ¼ cup flaked almonds
- honey to taste
- Place oats and apple/pear juice in a bowl and soak for at least 1 hour, or overnight.
- Add grated apple and yogurt to oat mixture and mix well.
- Spoon into serving bowls and top with blueberries and apple.
- Sprinkle with almonds and drizzle with honey.
Recipe adapted from Bill's Food by Bill Granger