November 20, 2016

Danish Apple Cake - #CakeSliceBakers

#CakeSliceBakers have baked their first cake from our new book.  As soon as I received my book in  the mail I knew I was going to love it, and could not wait to get started.  There are so many great cake recipes from around the world.

The #CakeSliceBakers are happy to announce our new book.  For the next year we will be baking from World Class Cakes by Roger Pizey.  This books is described as "a fabulous collection globally-inspired classic bakes, from national favorites such as Boston Cream Pie and international classics like British Chelsea Buns".  Not only do the recipes sound fantastic, but there are color photos for each recipe too.

This month we had a choice of Bee Sting Cake, Maple Syrup and Pecan Layer Cake, Chocolate and Rum Canneles, or Danish Apple Cake.  I actually found it hard to choose which one to bake, and eventually asked my family to make the decision.  They unanimously chose the Danish Apple Cake.

Not only was this cake super quick and easy to make, it was also absolutely delicious.  Our first slice was after the cake had cooled to room temperature, and it had a wonderful apple flavor and a tender crumb. The sugar that had been sprinkled on top created a nice crunchy topping.  I can see why the author suggested serving it warm with ice cream or whipped cream but honestly the cake was devoured before we got a chance to try that.

If you would like to bake along with #TheCakeSliceBakers from World Class Cakes you can email our group administrator Anabel via email here, or let me know and I will make sure she gets your details. Please scroll down after the recipe to see all the beautiful cakes that were baked this month.

Danish Apple Cake

  • 85g butter, softened
  • 205g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 200g self-raising flour, sifted
  • 45g golden raisins
  • 2 apples
  • 50g raw sugar, to decorate
  1. Preheat oven to 160℃ and grease and line an 20cm springform cake pan with parchment paper.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs one at a time and beat until well combined.
  4. Beat in the sifted flour and mix well.
  5. Fold in the golden raisins and then spoon the batter into the prepared cake pan.
  6. Peel, core and cut the apples into 1.5cm wedges, and arrange neatly around the top of the cake, pushing them slightly into the batter, and spread out evenly so that everyone gets some on their slice.
  7. Sprinkle with raw brown sugar and bake in a preheated oven for 50 minutes or until golden.
  8. Remove from the oven, let cool for 10 minutes in the pan, and then turn out onto a wire rack and strip off the parchment.
  9. Served warm with ice cream or whipped cream.
Recipe from World Class Cakes
For US measurements please click here

The Cake Slice Bakers are baking from a new book "World Class Cakes" by Roger Pizey. Our choices this month are...
  1. Bee Sting Cake p.31
  2. Danish Apple Cake p.102
  3. Maple Syrup and Pecan layer Cake p.277
  4. Chocolate and Rum Canneles p.156
Visit our bakers too see what choice they baked up!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Having made this cake, too, I know that it disappears quickly once cut in to. Love the crunchy topping. I just used brown sugar since I didn't have raw brown sugar and yours looks better.

  2. That looks and sounds delicious! Now I need to make this cake too!

  3. I've made this cake too, and it was delicious! I love the texture of the crumbs, very buttery, moist and tender. We ate it without any ice cream too. It was good with just a cup of warm tea!

  4. Lovely and I love the empty plate haha!

  5. Yes, this was good! And no ice cream needed! Always love that last picture in everyone of your TCS post!

    I made something else (which turned out ....don't know where I went wrong! LOL) but this Danish Apple Cake made up for it! Got rave reviews too!

  6. This really sounds like a lovely cake. Alas, my husband will not eat cooked fruit, so I had to pass on it or eat it all myself.

  7. This cake sure if popular, I can see why if your family gobbled it up so quickly.

  8. oohhh Felice! What a smashing looking cake.. so glad it was enjoyed! X


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