January 20, 2018

Peanut Butter Pretzel Cake ~ #TheCakeSliceBakers

It is time for The Cake Slice Baker's to announce our new book - the one we will be baking from throughout 2018.

Drum roll please.......we will be baking through The Perfect Cake! Talk about the perfect book for our group. I am so thankful to Kelsey and the America's Test Kitchen team who made this possible.  One cake in and I know that this is going to become the reference book for all baker's.  The book is available for pre-order right now and will be released on March 27, 2018. #atkcake

"The Perfect Cake opens with a valuable chapter of mix-and-match layer cakes, frostings, and fillings, allowing anyone to find just the combination they're looking for. The following chapters traverse a range of styles, touching on easy crowd-pleasers, sky-high stunners, American classics, holiday cakes, charming miniature cakes, and more. Rigorously tested to ensure the perfect outcome, these never-fail recipes will improve any baker's game, from White Cake Layers with an ultra-downy crumb to a perfectly domed Pound Cake, a New York Cheesecake with a browned surface (and no cracks), and superlatively chocolaty Ultimate Chocolate Cupcakes. Discover new techniques and flavors with a Blueberry Jam Cake frosted in a stunning ombré pattern, a sweet-salty Chocolate-Caramel Layer Cake, and a naked-sided Blackberry-Lemon Mascarpone Cake."

A little background on the #CakeSliceBakers ~ each month the Cake Slice Bakers are offered a selection of cakes from the book and we each choose one cake to bake. On the 20th - never before - we all post about our cake. There are a few rules that we follow, but the most important one is to have fun (and enjoy baking & eating cakes!). If you are interested in baking along with The Cake Slice Baker's next year please send me an email - thecakeslicebakers at gmail dot com.

The choices this month were Fallen Chocolate Cakes, King Cake, Peanut Butter Pretzel Cake, and Saffron-Orange Bundt Cake. So many good choices and so little time - I wanted to bake them all! I finally settled on the Peanut Butter Pretzel Cake since I am a big fan of sweet and salty desserts.

As I was making the different components of this cake I could not stop snacking on them.  The candied peanuts are so yummy, and I can definitely recommend dipping some pretzels in any leftover frosting you may have.  It may seems like there are a lot of steps, but I found this cake easy to make.  You could always make the cake layers the day before, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap, and refrigerate until the next day when you want to put the cake together - remember to remove it from the refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature before you frost it.  The sweet and salty profile is this cake is a sure winner.  I wish I had cut a bigger slice so that I could have shown you how pretty the layers were.  Making this cake also gave me a chance to use my latest cake stand - a Christmas gift from my daughter Monique - isn't it beautiful?

Please scroll down to see all the beautiful cakes that were baked this month, and don't forget to check out our Facebookpage. Also, if you are interested in joining the #TheCakeSliceBakers, please send me an email at thecakeslicebakers at gmail dot com, and I will send you more information. If you would like to bake this cake, or any of the other cakes made by my fellow Cake Slice Bakers, the recipes can be found in The Perfect Cake.  Here is a link so you can pre-order your copy.

get the InLinkz code


  1. Oh this was my second choice and I may have to still make it! Anything that combines that salty sweet profile is a winner in my book. So fun with the pretzels along the bottom to create nice visual interest. Maybe I will even make extra frosting to dip my leftover pretzels ha ha!

  2. This cake sounds wonderful and I really want an excuse to make it now... do I need an excuse?!! I was also dithering whether to buy the book as it is £30 in the U.K., more than I have ever paid for any book but I am very tempted.

  3. Thank you soooo much for making this happen. Looks like the Perfect Cake is going to perfect to bake from. Love your beautiful cake, smooth frosting technique and awesome new cake stand.

  4. Hi Felice your cake is so beautiful and it seems so yummy.
    I will join you in February
    Ana Http://acozinhadaanikasblog.wordpress.com

  5. I made a double batch of the peanuts because I knew my family would be snacking on them! Thank you for working so hard to bring these recipes to us!

  6. Literally all that's left are the crumbs!! This was a popular cake and it looks very good. I would have had to make a double batch of the peanuts, because I would've munched big time!


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