
May 20, 2019

Kladdkaka-Sticky Chocolate Cake ~ #TheCakeSliceBakers

If it were easy to resist, it would not be called chocolate cake.

The Cake Slice Bakers continue to bake through the The European Cake Cookbook by Tatyana Nesteruk. This cookbook is filled with delicious cakes from all over Europe and the adventure has been amazing so far.

The choices for May were a Kladdkaka-Sticky Chocolate Cake, a Lemon Lavender Blackberry Cake, a Sirnek-Ukrainian Cherry Cheesecake, and an Amaretto Creme Cake. I knew immediately that I would make the chocolate cake, especially since it was a sticky chocolate cake. Kladdkaka literally means Sticky Cake and is one of the best-known fika cakes in Sweden. We should all make time for fika like the Swedes.

This cake was surprisingly easy to put together. All of the ingredients in this cake are items that most bakers would have at home, which was great as I did not have to purchase any additional ingredients. This makes it a great cake to bake for those occasions when you find out you need to bake a cake at short notice.

However, I did have some issues with this recipe. I guess I figured that this cake would be more like a flourless chocolate cake since part of the title was sticky chocolate, but it really wasn't.  Even though it only has a small amount of flour I found that it was quite dry.  The only change I made to the recipe was to add a small amount of espresso powder, but this would not have changed the consistency. I bake it right between 30 and 32 minutes as I was waiting for it to get the thin crust on top.  If I make this again I will definitely take it out earlier, even if it does not have the crust - I'll start checking at 20 minutes.  Another change I would make it to leave the sugar out of the whipped cream. One cup of powdered sugar is way too much sweetness for this dessert. Despite this my family and I did enjoy this cake, and I'm willing to give it another shot.

Kladdkaka-Sticky Chocolate Cake
Printer Friendly Recipe

Cake ~
  • 3 large eggs, room temperature
  • 150g (1½ cups) sugar
  • 95g (¾ cup) all-purpose flour
  • 40g (6 tablespoons) cocoa powder
  • 5g (1 teaspoon) espresso powder (optional)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 170g (¾ cup) butter, melted
  • 10ml (2 teaspoons) vanilla extra

Topping ~
  • 240ml (1 cup) heavy whipping cream, chilled
  • 125g (1 cup) powdered sugar, plus more for garnish
  • 5ml (1 teaspoons) vanilla extract
  • 250g (2 cups) assorted berries, for garnish

Cake ~
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 ℃ (350℉).
  2. Line the bottom and sides of a 23cm (9-inch) springform pan with parchment paper.
  3. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, add the eggs and sugar and whisk on high speed for approximately 5 minutes, until the eggs are thick and pale in color.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients ~ flour, cocoa powder, espresso powder, and salt.
  5. Sift the dry ingredients into the egg mixture in small batches, folding gently but throughly after each addition.
  6. Once all if the flour mixture has been added, pour in the melted butter and vanilla, folding gently until well incorporated.
  7. Pour the cake batter into the prepared springform pan.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes ~ the top of the cake should form a thin crust but have a slight give.
  9. Remove from the oven and allow the cake to cool for at least 30 minutes.
Topping ~
  1. In a large bowl, add the heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, and, vanilla and using a hand miser beat until stiff peaks form, about 3 minutes.
  2. When ready to serve the cake, add generous dollops of whipped cream on top and garnish with fresh berries and a dusting of powdered sugar.

Each month The Cake Slice Bakers are offered a selection of cakes from the current book we are baking through. This year it is The European Cake Cookbook by Tatyana Nesteruk. We each choose one cake to bake, and then on the 20th - never before - we all post about our cake on our blogs. There are a few rules that we follow, but the most important ones are to have fun and enjoy baking & eating cakes!

Follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest pages where you can find all of our cakes, as well as inspiration for many other cakes. You can also click on the thumbnail pictures below to take you to each of our cakes. If you have a blog and are interested in joining The Cake Slice Bakers and baking along with us, please send an email to thecakeslicebakers at gmail dot com for more details.

The Cake Slice Bakers also have a new Facebook group called The Cake Slice Bakers and Friends. This group is perfect for those who do not have a blog but want to join in the fun and bake through this book.

Our choices for May 2019 were ~
Kladdkaka-Sticky Chocolate Cake
Lemon Lavender Blackberry Cake
Sirnek-Ukrainian Cherry Cheesecake
Amaretto Creme Cake

Kladdkaka-Sticky Chocolate Cake

Lemon Lavender Blackberry Cake
Amaretto Creme Cake
Sirnek-Ukrainian Cherry Cheesecake


  1. My cake did not rise as high as yours and was very fudgy and moist. I followed the directions for the cake nearly to a t. I never sweeten my whipped cream, personal preference. I love how you decorated the cake.

  2. Beautiful, indeed! And I have made a version of this cake before. It is amazing, isn't it?! Thanks for hosting this group.

  3. Thanks so much for the tips and I love the dainty design from the powdered sugar.

  4. Your cake did rise much higher than mine. I wonder why? I love the way you decorated it.

  5. Wow, that is a lot of powdered sugar to cream ratio. Look very, very nice and edible, though. :)

  6. This cake is gorgeous, Felice! Thanks for the recipe edit suggestions, I'm going to give it a shot!

  7. It looks beautiful, but definitely does not look like it has the right texture. Hopefully the next time it will come out sticky.


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