
November 22, 2016

Hawaiian Christmas Cookies ~ #CreativeCookieExchange

#CreativeCookieExchange is all about the decorated cookie this month.  Unfortunately for me I stepped out of line when the decorating of cookies talent was being handed out, so I missed out. Lucky for me I found these adorable reindeer cookies to make.

To make these reindeers Hawaiian, I decided to make macadamia nut shortbread.  Sugar cookies are the usual go-to recipe at this time of the year, but for me shortbread wins every single time. All of that buttery goodness is just so hard to resist and it just melts in your mouth. Since these cookies were going to be decorated I wanted the macadamia nuts to be quite finely chopped, so I placed them in a food processor.  Be care to just pulse until they are the right consistency or you may end up with macadamia nut butter.

Even though I am a complete novice at cookie decorating, I thought these turned out pretty cute. They are definitely something that would be fun to make with kids.  And if you are more talented in this area than I am then you could certainly make a variety of shapes, grab that royal icing, and go to town. Then come over to my house and show me how it is done :)

Hawaiian Christmas Cookies
Printer Friendly Recipe

  • 225g butter, room temperature
  • 90g powdered sugar
  • 5ml teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 275g flour
  • 140g macadamia nuts, finely chopped in a food processor
  • 100g chocolate chips
  • mini red cinnamon candies candies

  1. Beat the butter until smooth, then add the powdered sugar and vanilla.
  2. Gradually add flour and then mix in the macadamia nuts.
  3. Transfer the batter to a sheet of parchment paper. Lay a second sheet over top and roll to 6mm thickness.
  4. Place it on a cookie sheet and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  5. Preheat oven to 150℃ and remove dough from refrigerator.
  6. Using a cookie cutter, slice the cookie into circles. Gently transfer to a cookie sheet lined with parchment and bake for 20 minutes. The edges should be slightly browned but the middle may still be soft.
  7. Cool the cookies completely.
  8. Melt the chocolate and place in an icing bag fitted with a thin tip.  Squeeze a small amount of chocolate onto the lower half of the cookie to make two eyes, and then place another small amount on the cookie and stick on the red candy for the nose. Draw two lines of chocolate on the towards the top of the cookie and then smaller lines to form antlers.
Recipe inspired by Pint Sized Baker and a decoration found at this site
For US measurements please click here

The holidays are coming--and everyone loves decorated cookies during the holidays, so we’ve got you covered! Time to get your baking on!

You can also use us as a great resource for cookie recipes. Be sure to check out our Pinterest Board and our monthly posts (you can find all of them here at The Spiced Life). You will be able to find them the first Tuesday after the 15th of each month! Also, if you are looking for inspiration to get in the kitchen and start baking, check out what all of the hosting bloggers have made ~


  1. Oh these are cute as a button !! Put a smile on my face!!

  2. I think I stepped out of that line right after you...! But love your cookies.. the reindeers are so adorable !

  3. I think you must have some hidden talent in there somewhere as this are so cute. And I can't think of anything better than adding macadamias to a shortbread cookie - total yum!

  4. These are really cute! You did great! When I clicked through the link, and this popped up, I just smiled =)

  5. These are adorable, creative, and most importantly for decorated cookies, they sound seriously yummy too! Love the macadamia!

  6. Your cookies are adorable! These would be fun to make with my son and to leave out for Santa on Christmas eve.


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