
February 18, 2016

Cinnamon Dolce Coffee Bundt Cake - #BundtBakers

Cinnamon invokes such a warm and comforting feeling. Sitting in front of the fire, drinking hot chocolate, eating a piece of Cinnamon Dolce Coffee Bundt Cake while the snow gently falls outside......well that is not going to happen here, except the eating cake part. I was still excited when I found out that the theme for this months #BundtBakers was cinnamon.

February 16, 2016

Hawaiian Raincoast Crisps - #CreativeCookieExchange

This time of the year many people in the Northern Hemisphere are looking to get away from the dark and relentless winter.  It has been many years since I experienced a true winter, but I remember quite well the feeling of it being bitterly cold and needing to go somewhere that the sun was shining at full strength to thaw out for a while.  Not everyone has the luxury of being able to do this so maybe some tropical treats will hit the spot. This month the #CreativeCookieExchange is taking us all on a virtual tropical vacation via cookies. It is true that a taste of a food can transport us to another time, so why not a tropical island getaway?

February 02, 2016

Braided Red Bean Bread ~ #TwelveLoaves

There really is something magical about making your own bread, whether it is the tactile feel of the dough in your hands or the smell of a fresh-baked loaf coming out of the oven.  The theme for #TwelveLoaves this month is Red, and this post is a tale of what can happen if you just have a little faith in what you can create.