
March 20, 2014

Espresso Cake with Hot Kahlua Syrup

It is the 20th of the month so it is time for The Cake Slice Bakers to reveal our latest cake as we bake our way through Great Cakes by Carole Walter.  Once again the votes were cast and tallied, and the winning cake was the Espresso Cake with Hot Kahlua Syrup. Doesn't just reading the title of the cake sound amazing?

Honey and Beer Spice Bundt Cake ~ #BundtBakers

It is time for some bundt baking with the #BundtBakers. The theme this month is Spice - and considering that it is still so cold in some parts of the country, I think adding a little spice to our lives is a good thing to warm us up a little.

March 18, 2014

Vanilla Rooibos Tea Cookies ~ #CreativeCookieExchange

Spring must be right around the corner, right? Most people I know are ready for days to start getting warmer and the flowers to start blooming. Spring here usually means rain, which is always very welcome, as it makes the islands beautiful and green.  On these rainy days I love to sit down with a cup of coffee and some biscuits and watch the rainbows appear.

March 15, 2014

Irish Cream Cake

St. Patrick's Day is almost here, and I love Bailey's Irish Cream so it was perfect timing that I got to try another recipe from Lick the Bowl Good - a cookbook from a fellow blogger, Monica Holland. Monica makes this cake every year at this time, and it seems like a great tradition to follow.

March 14, 2014

Bailey's Sugar Cream Pie - Happy Pi(e) Day

The best way to celebrate Pi Day - π = 3.14 - is with pie! This is definitely true for me since I am not exactly a math genius, but I can bake. I also love eating pie, so for me it is a win-win situation, although I doubt a piece of pie on my plate will last longer than 3.14 minutes.

March 04, 2014

Balsamic Strawberry Cinnamon Rolls #TwelveLoaves

March is here but there doesn't seem to be too many signs of Spring as yet.  Hopefully the theme for this months #TwelveLoaves will chase away those winter-time blues, and bring some sunshine into your life.  The theme this month is Strawberries!

"I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon" ~ Ellen DeGeneres